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State of website update

nils    (Sep 08 2022)      0          944
Categories: Updates

As you perhaps have noticed, this website is no longer supported and important parts of the website, such as Activities, is no longer updating and hasn't been supported for quite a while.

The website is now well beyond 10 years old and there is no interest in maintaining the time consuming technical stuff that goes into building a working and reliable website. However, it has been a fun, learning and somewhat challenging experience.

Unfortunately, CipSoft headquarters never really chose to support any API of some sort. This website relied heavily on scanning through HTML-content which often broke down due to changes on their side or due to internal programming issues.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone that have participated in improving the website over the years. Much is obliged to those if you are still around to read this.

I hope for the best to the Tibia mmorpg even though I don't play it anymore, but you never know. I still have an account =)

Best regards, Nils

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Website Status Update

nils    (Dec 04 2019)      482          2610
Categories: Updates

As previously announced, we are moving the website to a new host provider.

We are starting to move the website on Monday, 9 December. Moving the whole website will take up to 7 days, during this time there is expected to be some intermittent downtime and possibly services temporarily not working, such as e-mail.

Update, 18th December:
We have now moved the website to a new hosting provider. There are still some things left to do, so parts of the website won't work 100% as expected. However, we are working on making sure it does! Once everything is back to normal and stable again, we will inform you =)

Update, 16th March:
There are some uptime issues with the website due to some technical server errors due to the new hosting provider. We are working to resolve this, but it has been a somewhat problematic process. The website is currently up and running again but it might be subject to intermittent downtime unfortunately. Once again, we will inform you when everything is back to normal.

Best regards, Nils
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Feature update: Title and Unlocked Titles tracked in Activities

nils    (Oct 09 2019)      488          3049
Categories: Updates

We are happy to announce that Activities is now tracking information about the players title and number of unlocked titles.

You can also view the title information on your character's profile page.

Note that it will take approximately 2 weeks before all characters will be updated with this information.

Update (2019-10-23):
Player comparison now also includes number of unlocked titles. B-)
Check it out here!
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Maintenance update

nils    (Dec 05 2018)      483          2892
Categories: Updates

The website has been updated for maintenance.

Some new changes...

We have removed some functionality from the website which serves no purpose anymore.

* The forum has been removed. It was used to some extent when the website was launched and with all the contests, but it is rarely used anymore, so we have opted against it and removed it.

* Uploading multiple images at once is removed. Uploading multiple images at once with the Flash uploader is removed since Flash is no longer supported by most major web browsers over time. You will still be able to upload one image at a time, which is what most users use anyway.

* The mirror is also removed. However, it might come back later.

Other than that the website will stay pretty much the same.

What does the future hold?

TibiaHof will focus more on what it's best at - Activities and Highscore lists.

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TibiaHof 3.7: Major Design and Layout fix

nils    (May 09 2018)      479          3218
Categories: Updates

In the last month we have rolled out version 3.7 of TibiaHof, which improves the design and layout of the website.

Here's a list of the major updates in this new version:

* On the front page we have added an inline window where you can select what you wish to do today.
* Removed Quick Links on the front page, as it seems a bit useless.
* Rashid has been moved to the side bar on the front page.
* We removed Forum and Community from the navigation bar (now accessible via front page or the footer). We also added Activities to the navigation menu.
* Fixed some browser compatibility issues.
* The mobile version has been improved; mainly data tables have been easier to view and scroll.
* The website is now fully secure using https!

We have also fixed a few other things here and there. We hope you like this new version.
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Winners, losers, and the weirdest of 2017: Part 2 - The weirdest

nils    (Jan 17 2018)      490          3382
Categories: Updates

Weirdest of 2017

Read part 1 (Winners and Losers of 2017) here.

Here at TibiaHof we not only celebrate winners and losers but also the peculiar, oddish, off the radar, weirdness, whatever you wanna call it, of the Tibian world. In part 2 we would like to feature the weirdest players of 2017. So let's get weird!

o.O o.O o.O Player who has changed sex the most o.O o.O o.O

This year's winner in the category of players who's had the most sex changes is a tie between two players: Marco Drakell@Gentebra and
Riivv@Antica with a total of +9 sex changes in 2017.

However, the winner of 2014, Potrosh@Olympa, still remains the all time winner in this category with a total of +13 sex changes in a given year.

^^; ^^; ^^; Player who has moved worlds the most ^^; ^^; ^^;

Why stay in one world when you can check out a bunch of them? This year's nomad of worlds is Niverion@Quelibra who has moved between a total of +7 worlds in 2017. Niverion has lived in Julera, Laudera, Neptera, Shivera, Solera, and Umera.

Player who has changed vocation the most

The player that has changed vocation the most in 2017 is Masterek Xenos@Antica with a total of +12 vocation changes, alternating between Knight and Elite Knight. Pro tip: buy one year of premium time, it will save you a lot of $$$ in the long run! ;)

Level progression for weirdest players of 2017

Achievement progression for weirdest players of 2017
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Winners, losers, and the weirdest of 2017: Part 1 - Winners and Losers

nils    (Jan 04 2018)      489          3231
Categories: Updates

It's time again to put together which Tibians are the winners and losers of 2017.

gold.gif Winners of 2017 gold.gif

Player with the highest level

You have probably already guessed who is the player with the highest level!

The player that gathered the most levels so far is (unsurprisingly): Kharsek@Luminera, with the impressive level 1110. Kharsek has collected +125 levels during 2017.

Kharsek have more competition from other players this year, so maybe in the next year another player will claim this honorable title? We'll see!

:star: :star: :star: Players that have earned the most levels :star: :star: :star:

Our shooting stars of 2017 are no less than 3. The list below does NOT include deleted players. Here they are:

  • Hydenusz@Serdebra: +457 levels (from level 113 to 570)
  • Holy Pistolinha@Serdebra: +388 levels (from level 116 to 504)
  • Mab@Ferobra: +373 levels (from level 214 to 587)

Level progression for players that have earned the most levels

Player with the highest achievement points

Firdeso@Secura almost came out from nowhere and now has all together 1044 achievement points.

Players who have collected the most achievement points

OK, so we know who has the most achievement points, but which players have collected the most this year? Well, it turns out to be...

Achievement Points progression for players who...
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Happy holidays from TibiaHof!

nils    (Dec 22 2017)      486          1941
Categories: Updates

We wish you the best happy holidays with friends and family.

This year has been pretty slow for TibiaHof, nothing really new has popped up, we're still tracking the activities of players, currently there are over 5 500 000 activities we have tracked of 123 000 players since 2012. That's a lot :)

Next year we have planned a few things that could be of interest:

* In January we are releasing the article winners, losers, and the weirdest of 2017.
* Revamp the design a little and improve the mobile design.
* Move the website to another ISP provider
* Fix the issue with the tab on the startpage
* Better looking tooltips

Other than that the website remains the same.

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Winners, losers, and the weirdest of 2016: Part 2 - The weirdest

nils    (Jan 09 2017)      473          3136
Categories: Updates

Weirdest of 2016

Read part 1 (Winners and Losers of 2016) here.

Here at TibiaHof we not only celebrate winners and losers but also the peculiar, oddish, off the radar, weirdness, whatever you wanna call it, of the Tibian world. In part 2 we would like to feature the weirdest players of 2016. So let's get weird!

o.O o.O o.O Player who has changed sex the most o.O o.O o.O

This year's winner in the category of players who's had the most sex changes is Tysbruh@Yanara with a total of +12 sex changes in 2016.

However, the winner of 2014, Potrosh@Olympa, still remains the all time winner in this category with a total of +13 sex changes in a given year.

banner_own.png Player who has changed guild/guild rank most frequently banner_other.png

Some players just can't stick to one guild. They are free spirits in the Tibian world. The player that has changed guild/guild rank most frequently in 2016 is Javivi Burlao@Morta with a total of +27 guild changes. Javivi Burlao has been a member of a total of 12 guilds and has had 9 different ranks.

^^; ^^; ^^; Player who has moved worlds the most ^^; ^^; ^^;

Why stay in one world when you can examine a bunch of them? These nomads move from world to world. What are they looking for? Will they ever find what they're looking for? Well, ask Don Pa@Calmera who has moved between a total of +11 worlds in 2016, from Nerana -> Calmera -> Magera -> Menera -> Calmera -> Celesta -> Calmera -> Astera -> Calmera -> Honera -> Guardia -> Calmera.

Player who has changed vocation the most

The player that has changed vocation the most in 2016 is Ultis@Thera with a total of +15 vocation changes, alternating between Sorcerer and Master Sorcerer. Ultis' new year resolution should probably be to buy one year's premium, it will save him a lot of time and money! Just saying ;)

<3 <3 <3 Player who has married and divorced the most <3 <3 <3

For last we have saved the holy coupling between Tibians, in marriage. Except in this case it's not quite holy! Some players fall in and out of marriages...
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Winners, losers, and the weirdest of 2016: Part 1 - Winners and Losers

nils    (Jan 03 2017)      2          2623
Categories: Updates

2016 was quite an eventful year for Tibia! Players have reached new records and at least one player has reached the much sought-after level 1000.
Once again we'll have a look at the winners and losers of this year.

gold.gif Winners of 2016 gold.gif

Player with the highest level

The player that gathered the most levels so far is (unsurprisingly): Kharsek@Luminera, with the impressive level 1030. Kharsek has collected +125 during 2016.

:star: :star: :star: Players that have earned the most levels :star: :star: :star:

Our shooting stars of 2016 are no less than 3. The list below does NOT include deleted players. Here they are:

  • Wyh@Zeluna: +386 levels (from level 168 to 554)
  • Luke Senpai@Olympa: +367 levels (from level 318 to 704)
  • Furion Warchief@Premia: +346 levels (from level 6 to 352)

Level progression for players that have earned the most levels

Player with the highest achievement points

Firdeso@Secura almost came out from nowhere and now has all together 1011 achievement points.

Players who have collected the most achievement points

OK, so we know who has the most achievement points, but which players have collected the most this year? Well, it turns out to be...

Achievement Points progression for players who collected the most APs in 2016
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