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19 Jul, 2012 - Updates

nils    (Jul 19 2012)      481          1540
Categories: Updates

Here's a sum up of most recent changes to the website:
  • Added category Fanart to images
  • Categories are now sorted alphabetically (with the exception of categories Fanart and Other, which are sorted to the end)
  • If no COTW has been created, it will instead show the most recent one
  • If you associate an account with a character that has no outfits, the basic outfits will be generated for that character
  • Added some missing translations
  • If you change language you are now redirected to the page you were on, instead of being redirected to the start page
  • Fixed a problem with some uploaded images thumbnails converted incorrectly into black squares
  • Fixed some minor bugs
If you notice any problems with the website, we would appreciate if you let us know by emailing us at, or sending a message via the feedback form.
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Minor improvement to image search function

nils    (Jul 16 2012)      478          1495
Categories: Updates

Search function for images has been slightly improved; your search result will now be highlighted in green. For example: if you make a search on "Horestis", all occurrences of the word "Horestis" in your search result will be highlighted in green. If you search on tagged characters, the tagged characters will be highlighted as well.

More advanced search functionality will be added in the future.
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Tibia Hall of Fame is now live!

nils    (Jul 13 2012)      488          1569

The Tibia Hall of Fame website has officially gone live today! The database has been reset and everything uploaded from this point on will stay on the website.
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Public Release of Beta!

nils    (Jul 08 2012)      467          1570
Categories: Updates is officially opened for the public. Note though that this website is still a beta version and all uploaded images, comments, etc. will be deleted once the beta is over.

This is version 1.3 of the website and incorporates several changes. Here are the most important ones listed:
  • Profile images are now displayed in comments
  • Added tooltip for characters (hover your mouse over a link to a character to see that characters stats)
  • Added support for password retrieval in case the user has lost his/her password
  • Added support for creating and managing albums
  • Added pagination support to comments
  • Added categories to images
  • Translated web site to swedish (more languages coming)
Within the next couple of weeks the website will be heavily tested to ensure that the experience is as enjoyable as possible to the Tibia user. We will keep you updated on when the Beta is over and the website is officially going live.

That's all for now.
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