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Minor fix!

nils    (Jul 21 2013)      472          1646
Categories: Problems

Today we have corrected the Multi Upload Image Tool, so that you may now upload up to 20 images at a time.

Note: only registered users may use this tool, non-registered users can only upload 1 image at a time.

If you are having any problems with this feature, let us know in the comments below.
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Guest logo of the month (July) + Hellgrip mount

nils    (Jul 19 2013)      475          1826
Categories: Updates

This months Guest logo is created by Michel, who you might know as the creator of the new Tibia fansite Tibiaevents. Much appreciated!


On some other news, the new Hellgrip mount has been added to Character profiles.

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New feature: Tabs and articles

nils    (Jul 14 2013)      469          1853
Categories: News

Today we are releasing the latest feature we've been working on: articles.

Content is now divided into tabs, at this moment we have two tabs: main content and one tab named "".

The "" tab contains the news ticker, featured article, and news articles from

Right now, this feature is at its beta stage. In the coming weeks we will add some more features to it, such as:
  • Being able to browse through articles and news tickers
  • A free-text search feature
  • Additional tabs with more content
  • A fast way to read official comments from community managers
  • ...and much more!

If you are having any trouble with the new features, or ideas for improvements, please let us know by sending an email to or visiting the feedback form.

That's all for now, take care until next time!
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Test Server 2013

nils    (Jul 06 2013)      484          2083
Categories: News

Private test servers have started and tutor and fansite representatives are currently testing the new features of the upcoming summer update.

For those still waiting for the public test server, we got a couple of pics of what we think are some of the more highlighted moments of the update. Read on!

Keep checking back as we will add more screenshots later.

This article contains spoilers from the test server from this point on!


Drefia has been redesigned and offers new quests, creatures, and hunting grounds.


What are these skeletons doing?


A fancy scorpion in the depths of Drefia.


Vampire Viscount with an AoE bat attack (???)


The new mount!



Ab'Dendriel has also received a new look and a few new forest critters.


Ab'Dendriel offers a new way to move around by using lifts.


The maze has also received some new looks.


Fury Gates

Fury Gates is a new hunting ground in Liberty Bay that holds some very dangerous spawns, such as Fury, Hellfire fighters, Dragonlings, Infernalists, and more.



This update also holds plenty of new raids, as well as old raids that we haven't seen in a while.

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