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Statement of the website - 15th May 2018

nils    (May 15 2018)      470          3128
Categories: News

Hi again,

As some of you might have read or heard, the website is no longer listed as an officially supported fansite at As it stands right now, the website is an unofficial Tibia fansite.

Just to get it out of the way: TibiaHof will still exist and work the same way as it did before. The only difference is we are no longer officially supported by the tibia fansite program.

The reason behind this is due to lack of time to fully nurture the website. I am not available to keep in contact with the fansite program. So we decided to leave the fansite program and exist as an independent unofficial fansite.

When I started the website back in 2012 I was attending university and had a lot of spare time to work on the website and improve it. As time has passed I've had less time to focus on the website.

What about the future?

The website will live on and will see some new cool features along the way. I have one new feature in mind that I would like to implement sometime this year, which will be the Best Players of Tibia. It will rank the best players (based on level, achievement points, skills, loyalty, etc); these players will be listed on the start page as well. You could say that those players will become the true heroes of the Hall of Fame :)

So stay tuned for more updates and take care!
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TibiaHof 3.7: Major Design and Layout fix

nils    (May 09 2018)      479          3458
Categories: Updates

In the last month we have rolled out version 3.7 of TibiaHof, which improves the design and layout of the website.

Here's a list of the major updates in this new version:

* On the front page we have added an inline window where you can select what you wish to do today.
* Removed Quick Links on the front page, as it seems a bit useless.
* Rashid has been moved to the side bar on the front page.
* We removed Forum and Community from the navigation bar (now accessible via front page or the footer). We also added Activities to the navigation menu.
* Fixed some browser compatibility issues.
* The mobile version has been improved; mainly data tables have been easier to view and scroll.
* The website is now fully secure using https!

We have also fixed a few other things here and there. We hope you like this new version.
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