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26 Oct, 2012 - Improved Login and Minor Fixesnils (Nov 26 2012) 470 1593Categories: Updates
This year is almost over, but before that we will bring a few new updates to the website.
Improved Login Logging into the website has been further improved by adding a checkbox to the login page. If you tick the checkbox the browser will remember your login, which will prevent you from being logged out between browsing sessions. This will work for 4 months before you have to log in again. Minor Fixes A few minor fixes as always!
The coming weeks we will introduce a new feature as well as improving other parts of the website. Also, the winter update will soon be released, which will mean certain design elements of the website will change as well! Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache. If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to or visiting the feedback form. That's all for now, take care until next time! |
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11 Oct, 2012 - Few minor fixesnils (Nov 11 2012) 480 1641Categories: Updates
Been terribly busy with school stuff as usual. However, I managed to bring a few changes your way. First off, I want to thank user theputte, who reported a bug with top rated images not being displayed correctly. This has been fixed now. Added support to removing images Also, we have added the possibility to remove images. To remove an image, log into your TibiaHof account, go to images and press the icon that says Remove image. From this page you can choose the image to remove. All images you have removed are moved to the trashbin. If you want to restore an image, go to the trashbin and press the restore icon next to the title of the image. Note however, images placed in the trashbin will be removed monthly. In other news, 3k players are now tracked in our local player database, with more players to be added. Improvements to automatic updates of players and improved login will be fixed in the coming weeks instead. Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache. If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to or visiting the feedback form. That's all for now, take care until next time! |
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04 Nov, 2012 - Server Save, new world filter to characters, and morenils (Nov 04 2012) 480 1704Categories: Updates
Good day Tibians!
I hope everybody has had as much fun as me with smashing pumpkins and perhaps looted some spiderwebs or toy spiders or something in that strain. Well, enough of that. Here's another update for you all:
Next week? Next week we will bring a few improvements to the automatic update of players. Players that have not been logged in for a long time will no longer be regurarly updated by TibiaHof (although we will update these players once in a while, just not as often). Also, we will improve the current log in. More on that next week. Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache. If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to or visiting the feedback form. That's all for now, take care until next time! |
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