Your search resulted in 2+ articles found
Badges of the Month - Septembernils (Sep 21 2014) 476 1949Categories: Badges of the Month
Every once in a while we hand out new badges. If you want to find out more about badges and their purpose on the site, check out this article.
This month we are handing out badges for users that have uploaded 100+ (Grande), 50+ (Mega), or 10+ (Novice) images.
Grande Image Uploader
Mega Image Uploader
Novice Image Uploader
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Badges of the Month - Decembernils (Dec 18 2013) 470 1684Categories: Badges of the Month
Every month we are handing out badges to users. If you want to find out more about badges and their purpose on the site, check out this article.
This month we are handing out badges to users that have uploaded images. The Grande Image Uploader badge is awarded to all who upload over 100 images, while the Novice Image Uploader badge is awarded to those that have uploaded over 10 images. Congratulations and keep uploading them pics
Grande Image Uploader
Novice Image Uploader
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