State of website update

nils    (Sep 08 2022)      0          1060
Categories: Updates

As you perhaps have noticed, this website is no longer supported and important parts of the website, such as Activities, is no longer updating and hasn't been supported for quite a while.

The website is now well beyond 10 years old and there is no interest in maintaining the time consuming technical stuff that goes into building a working and reliable website. However, it has been a fun, learning and somewhat challenging experience.

Unfortunately, CipSoft headquarters never really chose to support any API of some sort. This website relied heavily on scanning through HTML-content which often broke down due to changes on their side or due to internal programming issues.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone that have participated in improving the website over the years. Much is obliged to those if you are still around to read this.

I hope for the best to the Tibia mmorpg even though I don't play it anymore, but you never know. I still have an account =)

Best regards, Nils

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