Winners, losers, and the weirdest of 2016: Part 1 - Winners and Losers

nils    (Jan 03 2017)      2          2677
Categories: Updates

2016 was quite an eventful year for Tibia! Players have reached new records and at least one player has reached the much sought-after level 1000.
Once again we'll have a look at the winners and losers of this year.

gold.gif Winners of 2016 gold.gif

Player with the highest level

The player that gathered the most levels so far is (unsurprisingly): Kharsek@Luminera, with the impressive level 1030. Kharsek has collected +125 during 2016.

:star: :star: :star: Players that have earned the most levels :star: :star: :star:

Our shooting stars of 2016 are no less than 3. The list below does NOT include deleted players. Here they are:

  • Wyh@Zeluna: +386 levels (from level 168 to 554)
  • Luke Senpai@Olympa: +367 levels (from level 318 to 704)
  • Furion Warchief@Premia: +346 levels (from level 6 to 352)

Level progression for players that have earned the most levels

Player with the highest achievement points

Firdeso@Secura almost came out from nowhere and now has all together 1011 achievement points.

Players who have collected the most achievement points

OK, so we know who has the most achievement points, but which players have collected the most this year? Well, it turns out to be...

Achievement Points progression for players who collected the most APs in 2016

Losers of 2016

Not everyone is a winner and some lose more than others do. Here are the players that straight up messed up the past year.

Player who has lost the most levels

Deerby@Aurora has lost a whopping 510 levels (from 512 to 2) during 2016!

Player who has died the most

Counted deaths does not take into consideration PVP arena deaths or deaths by arena monsters. Only deaths which results in a death penalty are counted here.

Sir Gusse@Quilia has died a total of 900 times during 2016. Since then the player has been deleted!

However, Ivanzeera Cross@Elera still remains the player who has died the most of all-time, totaling 1154 deaths. This is the third year in a row and the throne of death still belongs to Ivanzeera Cross, quite the achievement!

Players who have lost the most levels + died the most in 2016

Part 2: The weirdest

Read part 2 (The weirdest players) here.

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    • Created: Jan 12 2017
    • By  Guest

    Nice statistics!!!

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    • Created: Jan 05 2017
    • By  nils  

    Klief Adas and Guizonis are NOT included in players who have died the most since most of those deaths are caused by either PvP fights or Monster arena fights. This means Ivanzeera Cross remains the player with the most deaths :)

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