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New Features: Advanced Search, RSS Feeds, Pretty Links, and more

nils    (Aug 26 2012)      472          1704
Categories: Updates

The past week we have implemented some new features to the website. These are listed below.

Advanced Image Search

With Advanced Image Search you can customize your searches to better find images that fit your needs. Advanced Image Search allows you to make a search based on searchwords, characters, categories, and sort it by what suits you best. Try it out here.

RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds is a way to keep you updated on new content created on the site. You can subscribe to any feed you want. On our site you will find images that look like this:


If you click it you will be able to subscribe to that feed. Current feeds are: Most Recent Images, Most Recent Albums, and Most Recent Character Activity.

Pretty Links

So, what's a pretty link? Well, let me explain it for you.

On our site we have images that have names like 5033026ec7886.png. These look ugly and doesn't contain any information about the image itself. This is fixed by pretty links.

Let's say your username is John and you have an image with the title "My Image". The ugly link would be:

with pretty links, the new link would be:
/myimage/John/My Image.png

Looks much better, doesn't it? Pretty Links only works for images that have been uploaded by registered users.

Minor Fixes

To end this feature update, we will list some minor fixes to the website:
  • Search results (on images, albums, characters, and users) are now paginated
  • Character Profiles now show additional information, such as guild membership, account status, and more
  • Increased maximum allowed length of image title and description from 50 to 70 for titles and 200 to 500 for descriptions
  • Fixed some minor bugs
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20 Aug, 2012 - Updates

nils    (Aug 20 2012)      485          1761
Categories: Updates

Hello everybody!

This update brings a couple of new features that makes it easier for you to maintain and update your characters associated with your account. The updates are as following:
  • Albums have been improved to look and feel better. Give it a try!
  • Added category Photoshopped to images
  • An "Edit this image" link is now displayed on all images given that you are the owner of that image and you are logged into your account
  • You may now change your characters skills by additional plus and minus buttons on the characters profile. Press miniature-plus.png to increase a skill and miniature-minus.png to decrease a skill.
  • You may now also add/remove addons to/from your character by going into your characters profile, pressing Toggle Outfits, and clicking the addon image to change it
  • Fixed some minor bugs
If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to admin@tibiahof.com or visiting the feedback form.

We will be bringing you more features soon.
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10 Aug, 2012 - Updates

nils    (Aug 10 2012)      475          1635
Categories: Updates

Here are the most important recent updates to the website:
  • Added a link to the image being commented on in the Most Recent Comments on "My Uploaded Images" section displayed in My Pages start page
  • Added Time left until next Server Save in the top nav
  • Added Character Suggestion to player name search on Character Activities
  • When searching on tagged characters in images, you no longer have to search on full names. E.g. searching on "Rej" will find all images that are tagged with characters with the word sequence "Rej" in it.
  • Added recent activity to character profiles
  • Replaced Most Viewed Characters with Most Recent Character Activity on start page
  • Added a few translations, fixed some minor bugs and fixed some typos
Coming updates will include improvements to the character activity, as well as a complete redesign of albums.

Update 12 Aug, 2012: Added support to search by party. A party is a search on multiple characters which can be saved and used later on. If you want to search by a party, you need a Tibia Hall of Fame account.
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Introducing Character Activity!

nils    (Aug 06 2012)      480          1666
Categories: Updates

Character Activity is a new feature on TibiaHof that keeps you up to date on how other Tibians are progressing through the game.

On Character Activity you can view how many levels a character has gained/lost, how many achievement points a character has gained, if a character has changed world/residence, and much more. Have a look yourself by going to this page.

You can also search activities. You can do so by clicking the Add Search Filter button. You can choose from two filters at the moment:
  • Free Search: Lets you search on specific level ranges, specific game worlds, vocations, and guild rank/name
  • Search by Name: Lets you search on a specific character

In upcoming updates you will also be able to create groups of characters and search by those specific groups.

Note that this feature is still in beta and we are working daily to further improve it. Any feedback is appreciated, which you can leave on this page.

In you want to have your character tracked in Character Activity, it must be tagged in at least one image. You can upload your images and tag your characters here.

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01 Aug, 2012 - Updates

nils    (Aug 01 2012)      483          1612
Categories: Updates

Here's a list of the most recent changes to the website:
  • Terms of Use has been updated to reflect recent changes to the website
  • Added comment preview to images
  • Added support to creating an album on a specific image
  • Character Suggestions on Upload Images has been improved and should now work as intended
  • Redesigned navigation menu as well as ads
  • Added Most Recent Comments on Your Images to My Pages start page
  • Added Most Commented Images
  • Fixed a few translations and typos

In the coming weeks we will be bringing you some new features to the website that are primarily focused on Tibia characters. We will reveal more as these new features takes shape. You can expect that and much more to come!
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19 Jul, 2012 - Updates

nils    (Jul 19 2012)      481          1586
Categories: Updates

Here's a sum up of most recent changes to the website:
  • Added category Fanart to images
  • Categories are now sorted alphabetically (with the exception of categories Fanart and Other, which are sorted to the end)
  • If no COTW has been created, it will instead show the most recent one
  • If you associate an account with a character that has no outfits, the basic outfits will be generated for that character
  • Added some missing translations
  • If you change language you are now redirected to the page you were on, instead of being redirected to the start page
  • Fixed a problem with some uploaded images thumbnails converted incorrectly into black squares
  • Fixed some minor bugs
If you notice any problems with the website, we would appreciate if you let us know by emailing us at admin@tibiahof.com, or sending a message via the feedback form.
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