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Research Article: Ghastly Dragon Task

nils    (Mar 28 2013)      489          4664
Categories: Research


Ghastly Dragon is the perfect monster for paladins: great loot, weak to physical/holy, drops soul orbs (which can be exchanged for infernal bolts), runs around fire walls, and much more.

In this article we'll detail the hunting of ghastly dragons: how profitable is it really to hunt it? What are the best tactics? When can one start to hunt it? These questions and many more will be answered here.

Also note, that this article is primarily written for royal paladins. The recorded hunts have been done on a level 230~ RP with 111 distance fighting and 93 shielding, however, these statistics shouldn't be very different for a level 100 something RP.

A recipe for success

Ghastly Dragons' natural habitat is in Zao, more specifically, the Zao Ghastly Dragon Cave. In order to get access to this place, the player has to finish WOTE mission 1.

So, what kind of supplies do you need? For a 2 hour solo session you'll need the following items:
  • 2k crystalline arrows or prismatic bolts (40k)
  • 400 - 550 SMP (32-44k)
  • 70 Fire walls (~4k)
  • 30 Flasks of Rust Removers (~1.8k)
  • Magic Walls (not necessary, but good to have)
  • Soft Boots (~5k)
  • Life Rings/Ring of Healing (5-10k)

This all adds up to around 90k in supplies.


A few combat strategies are necessary when fighting ghastlies.
  • You need to be at least level 80 so you can purchase Cure Curse (exana mort). This is a life saver and what makes ghastlies mainly hunted by paladins. Remember though, one ghastly can easily combo you at this level, so be careful, or wait until you're around level 120+ before you go against these beasts.
  • Ghastlys run around fire walls, so be sure to throw walls at places which forces the ghastly to walk diagonally. This will considerably slow down their attacks. Look at some of the images here for good places to throw fire walls.
  • The way to the cave is paved with soul eaters, mutated rats, mutated bats, and a few blobs. You can easily get surrounded on your way there, so be sure to run...
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27th Mar, 2013 - Open Beta Update

nils    (Mar 27 2013)      480          1725
Categories: Updates

We have released the new open beta version of the chat (1.4). If you want to try it out, go to Community > Chat (Beta). Remember that you need to be logged in to your TibiaHof account.

Among the major changes to the chat are:
  • When going into a chat room it will no longer show who joined or left previously, these messages will only be shown once you entered the chat room
  • Added new chat commands /ignore and /unignore, which lets you ignore or unignore specific users. Type /help to find out more about these commands
  • Removed command nick (there is a chance we will put it back in the future, but for now it's inactivated)
  • At the end of the chat there is a link to where you can load older chat messages.
  • Chat participants can now be kicked by moderators
  • Added few security measures preventing users from posting in chat rooms they are not currently in

If you notice any bugs, be sure to let us know by emailing us or writing in the feedback form (links found at the end of the article).

Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache.

If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to admin@tibiahof.com or visiting the feedback form.

That's all for now, take care until next time!
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10th Mar, 2013 - Weekly Update - Chat Beta Update and Announcement

nils    (Mar 10 2013)      473          1753
Categories: Updates

This past week we have been improving the chat (available from Community > Chat) and invite all registered users to test it out. More precisely, we have introduced chat commands!

Chat commands

Tibia HoF chat supports a wide array of commands. Simply type /help to find a full list of available commands. The ones currently implemented are:
  • /bbcode - redirects you to the bbcode page
  • /clear - clears the chat from messages
  • /help - shows help
  • /leave - exits chat
  • /nick - changes nick name
  • /online - shows who is currently online in chat
  • /room - changes to another chat room
  • /terminate - shuts down chat
  • /time - shows current local time
  • /version - shows the current chat version
  • /whoami - shows your identity
  • /whois - shows information about a user

More commands might be added in future versions. Other than that we have improved the look of the chat a little.


We are currently working hard on the improved design of the website, which will be launched in May. Up until then there will be few and sparse updates, but we will inform you in some teaser articles on what the new update will bring!

Up until then, take care, and keep uploading them pics =)

Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache.

If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to admin@tibiahof.com or visiting the feedback form.

That's all for now, take care until next time!
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3rd Mar, 2013 - Weekly Update - Open Chat Beta and Minor Fixes

nils    (Mar 03 2013)      470          1912
Categories: Updates

Here are the new features implemented over the weekend!

Open Chat Beta

We have created a chat which is currently being beta tested - there are very few features implemented and only one chat room available. This will be fixed the coming weeks, as we keep testing. Right now only registered users may write in the chat, but everyone can read the chat. Be sure to register a Tibia Hall of Fame account if you already haven't.

Features to be added to the chat include (but are not limited to):
  • Commands (e.g. /whoami, /nick, /online, etc.)
  • Allow Guest users to chat
  • Multiple chat rooms
  • Online lists (who is currently in the chat?)
  • Ability to share content (images, links, etc.)
  • and much more to come!

If you have any ideas for how to improve the chat, or want to report a bug, we would be very greatful if you could take a minute or two to let us know, either by visiting the chat and write there, or send us a message via the feedback form.

You can access the chat by going to Community > Chat (Beta).

Minor Fixes

Several minor fixes as always:
  • Added Steelbeak mount to character profiles
  • Preview Images are now displayed in albums
  • If you already haven't, be sure to read this article on Demon Task
  • Several minor bugs

We are also happy to report that over 350 images have been uploaded to the website!

Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache.

If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to admin@tibiahof.com or visiting the feedback form.

That's all for now, take care until next time!
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Research Article: Demon Oak Task (a.k.a. 6666 Task)

nils    (Feb 25 2013)      504          4998
Categories: Research



In this article I will detail my experience with going against the infamous Demon Task - putting 6666 demons out of their misery. The task started in November last year and took me until around the end of February this year to finish.

Some Task Details

I played on a Royal Paladin (level 202) and my weapon of choice was Royal crossbow + Prismatic bolts at the beginning.

After a few hunts I changed to Warsinger bow + Crystalline arrows to get a higher average damage output, but also because Warsinger bow gives one extra SQM distance (7 SQM, as opposed to Royal crossbow which has 6 SQM).

Moving on from there I used Divine Missile (exori san) and at times Divine Caldera (exevo mas san) to clear out summons and do some extra damage to demons. The average money spent on each hunt was 110k, and each hunt lasted about 2 hours (enough for me to use up my 2h stamina bonus). The majority of hunts were done with stamina bonus almost the entire hunt, towards the end it would go back to normal exp.

The tasks were done at any of the two yala spawns under hellspawns/plagues.

I spent a total of 166 hours on the hunt - which is equal to 6.92 days of non stop hunting. My average demon kill rate was 40 kills/hour (note: many times I usually hunted right before SS, which is a slow respawn time). Also, this task was done on the optional PvP game world Secura.

To Make Money you need to Spend Money

As mentioned, I've spent around 110k on each hunt, which includes:
  • 550 Strong Mana Potions (44k)
  • 70 Strong Health Potions (7k)
  • 100 Great Spirit Potions (18k)
  • 1700-1900 Crystalline Arrows (34k)
  • 1-2 Energy Soils (~3k)
  • 9 Life Rings (~5k)
  • Soft Boots (2 hours=5k)

Total: 110-115k

Some of these items were purchased off the market (e.g. spirit and health potions). Also, some people may choose to use only SMP - it's just a matter of personal preference, really. I don't feel like healing constantly, which is why I also bring a few GSP, as well as using exura gran...
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24th Feb, 2013 - Weekly Update - Image of the Month, Minor Fixes, and Future Changes

nils    (Feb 24 2013)      476          1972
Categories: Updates

Here are the new features implemented over the weekend!

Introducing Image of the Month

Every month the Tibia Hall of Fame Admin Staff will pick one image that will become the IotM – Image of the Month. For an image to become IotM it must truly show the excellence and spirit of Tibia – it can either show off something really cool, be funny, or in some other way excel in the spirit of the game!

For this months IotM, go here.

Minor Fixes

Several minor fixes to the website as always
  • Uploaded images are from now on displayed in an overlay, similar to how an image is displayed on albums when you click on it. If you wish to view it outside an overlay (like in the old way), you can do so by pressing Expand.
  • Added missing female addon (Soil Guardian)
  • User Profiles have once again been expanded with new information – Most Viewed Image and Top Rated Image. Be sure to visit your own profile here to check it out!

Future Changes

As some of you know, we are currently working hard on redesigning the website, implementing Top Skills, and sometime in the future, we will also hold the highly anticipated Fansite Item Contest.
Regarding the redesign, we are currently looking at launching the improved website sometime in May (as well as translating the website into some more languages). As for Top Skills, this will be available very soon! The Fansite Item Contest we don’t have any exact date when we want to do it, but we are hoping sometime after the summer.

Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache.

If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to admin@tibiahof.com or visiting the feedback form.

That's all for now, take care until next time!
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