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TibiaHoF version 2.0 Teaser

nils    (Apr 30 2013)      485          1718
Categories: Updates

Tomorrow starts the month of May, a month in which we will introduce the better, improved TibiaHoF - version 2.0.

The new version will bring a whole slew of new features and improvements to the site, for example:
  • A better design to make it easier to navigate on the site, less having to scroll down.
  • Less HTML 5 to make the site faster to render and load.
  • Introducing new features, such as weekly polls.
  • New interfaces to make it easier to upload images, search activities, and so on.
  • A completely revised start page showing content that is relevant to the current user.

These are just a few of the changes in the upcoming update. The update is scheduled to be released sometime after the 8th of May, we will remind you in a future news article when the redesign will be made available to the public.

Our team has worked hard to improve the website and we have listened to our audience what they liked and what they didn't liked. Of course, there will always be things to improve and make better, TibiaHoF is a relatively new fansite and we always aim to become better and bigger.

Well, that's all for now. Take care fellow Tibians!
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Image of The Month - April - Moment of War

nils    (Apr 30 2013)      481          1722
Categories: Image of the Month

This months image captures a moment of war with the unfortunate demise of one royal paladin, meeting his maker through the power of SD.

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22nd Apr, 2013 - Weekly Update - Minor fixes and Redesign Reminder

nils    (Apr 22 2013)      487          1905
Categories: Updates

G'day Tibians!

I hope everyone is enjoying their double exp and double skill, I know I am ;)

Today we got a few minor fixes for ya:
  • We've added categories to existing articles to make it easier to find related articles (e.g. research articles, news articles, etc.)
  • The Ghastly Dragons research article has been updated with new statistics, going from 1.9k killed ghasts to 3.2k killed ghasts in our new calculations.
  • Added hover boxes to the Fansites section. Hover your mouse over the fansite banner and have a look at that fansites description!
  • Fixed a bug that caused empty activities to be generated. These empty activities will be removed soon.
  • Fixed another bug that caused users from being unable to log in.
  • Currently 528 images have been uploaded, 610 users created, 62 albums created, 21549 players created, and 152 comments written. Keep uploading and keep writing, we highly appreciate it =)

Redesign Reminder

We are currently working hard at redesigning the website and are currently looking at a May release. The re-release of the website will improve the over all design of the website and make it easier to find relevant content.

Very soon there will be a few teasers for the upcoming redesign of the website. Keep your eyes open and keep coming back to TibiaHoF for more on this.

Until then, take care!

Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache.

If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to admin@tibiahof.com or visiting the feedback form.
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Double XP and Double Skill Time

martin    (Apr 17 2013)      480          1953
Categories: News

After some time of DDoS Attacks on the tibian servers, Cipsoft will be giving us 10 days of double experience and skills (Starting April 20th to 30th). This means preview worlds will have (3x) experience and NOT 4x or 6x as speculated.

We wish you all some happy and very safe hunting!

WARNING: Remember to stay healthy while playing for long periods of time!
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Introducting New Feature: Multi Image Upload Tool

nils    (Apr 10 2013)      494          1838
Categories: Updates

Hello Tibians,

We are happy to introduce a new feature on the website: Multi Image Upload Tool!

With this tool in hand you can upload many images at the same time.

This is how it works:
  • Only registered users may use it, so be sure to register your user today!
  • You can upload up to 20 images at a time.
  • Titles are automatically generated for you from the filename. Example: if your filename is my-image.jpg it will generate the title "My Image" for you.
  • You can assign the images you upload to an album.
  • Requires that you have the flash plugin installed in your browser.

Currently you can't tag any characters in the images, but this will be added in future improvements to the tool. It is also only available in english, however, translations will also be added in the future as well.

We hope you like it and find it useful when uploading many images at the same time!

You can try it out here (remember to log in first).

Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache.

If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to admin@tibiahof.com or visiting the feedback form.

That's all for now, take care until next time!
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Image of The Month - March - Level Up!

nils    (Mar 30 2013)      483          1745
Categories: Image of the Month

Players come up with new and innovative ways to celebrate their progress. In this months IotM, they use 32 Demon Helmets to paint the true achievement of gaining 450 levels. Congratulations!

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