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Test Server 2013

nils    (Jul 06 2013)      484          2276
Categories: News

Private test servers have started and tutor and fansite representatives are currently testing the new features of the upcoming summer update.

For those still waiting for the public test server, we got a couple of pics of what we think are some of the more highlighted moments of the update. Read on!

Keep checking back as we will add more screenshots later.

This article contains spoilers from the test server from this point on!


Drefia has been redesigned and offers new quests, creatures, and hunting grounds.


What are these skeletons doing?


A fancy scorpion in the depths of Drefia.


Vampire Viscount with an AoE bat attack (???)


The new mount!



Ab'Dendriel has also received a new look and a few new forest critters.


Ab'Dendriel offers a new way to move around by using lifts.


The maze has also received some new looks.


Fury Gates

Fury Gates is a new hunting ground in Liberty Bay that holds some very dangerous spawns, such as Fury, Hellfire fighters, Dragonlings, Infernalists, and more.



This update also holds plenty of new raids, as well as old raids that we haven't seen in a while.

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Image of The Month - June

nils    (Jun 23 2013)      477          1863
Categories: Image of the Month

This months image is a beautiful Tibia fanart celebrating level 350, with what appears to be sea serpents and some really cool fractals in the background. Nice job!

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Some cool TibiaHoF fanart

nils    (Jun 22 2013)      474          1804
Categories: Updates

Oyutu, who previously created the guest logo of June, has created some new designs for the website. Check this out:


He also designed the new buttons in the navigation menu at the top of the page. Good work!
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21st Jun, 2013 - 5th Summer update teaser released

nils    (Jun 21 2013)      474          1977
Categories: News

In the newest teaser, tibia.com reported that they will be updating the walk cycle of all outfits. A comparison:





The old animation consisted of 2 frames; the new walk cycles will consist of 8 frames.

They are planning to update the animation for monsters and mounts in future updates.

Also, the test server will be up some time after 27 of June.
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19th Jun, 2013 - 4th Summer update teaser released

nils    (Jun 19 2013)      486          2076
Categories: News

The fourth summer update teaser has been released and reveals some more new monsters that will be invading Ab'dendriel.




You can read the original teaser here.

The summer update is getting closer! See you on the test server, and don't forget to vote in our new poll ;)
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Guest logo of the month - June

nils    (Jun 14 2013)      471          1789
Categories: Updates

Oyutu has designed the current guest logo that will be displayed for some time. All thanks to Oyutu for creating this logo for the website.


Got any logos you want to see as guest logo on TibiaHoF? Send em to nils@tibiahof.com and you will be credited.
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