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Introducing new feature: Top Skills!

nils    (Jan 21 2014)      482          2072
Categories: Updates

Many have asked for this feature and now we are delivering: Top Skills!

Top Skills

With this new feature you can view the most skilled players of any category. Who's the best spell thrower? The best club fighter? Even the best fisherman?

You can find this new feature in the top menu "Highscores".


Extra features

If you have a registered TibiaHof account you can log in and receive suggestions on which worlds and skills to search on, based on the players that you have connected to your account.

It's very simple: if your highest level is connected to the world Secura and is of vocation Royal Paladin, it will suggest a search on the world Secura and the skill of distance fighting, like so:


Beta Status

This feature is currently beta status, so it's currently being tested and improved on. If you have any opinions about this new feature, please let us know in the comments below or via the feedback form!

Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache.

If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to or visiting the feedback form.

That's all for now, take care until next time!
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Introducing new feature: Most Deaths

nils    (Jan 02 2014)      479          2181
Categories: Updates

This week we are introducing a new feature on the website: Most Deaths.

Most Deaths

With this new feature you can view the players that have died the most times.

You can also filter deaths by worlds.

Check it out now!

If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to or visiting the feedback form.

That's all for now, take care until next time!
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29th Dec, 2013 - Weekly Update - Profile character deaths and Minor fixes

nils    (Dec 29 2013)      492          1893
Categories: Updates

Hello Tibians,

We hope you had some good holidays so far. Here at TibiaHof we are working hard with rolling out some improvements to the website. With this said, we got some goodies for you ;)

Character Deaths in profiles

Last week we wrote about character deaths and how they will be appearing in activities.

This week we are adding character deaths to profiles! With this information in hand, you can find out:
  • How many times has the character died?
  • Which player has killed the profile player the most?
  • Which creature has killed the profile player the most?

Characters deaths will date back to when TibiaHof started recording this information.

Here's an example of how it looks like:


Minor Fixes

Several minor fixes have been implemented in the last few weeks as well.
  • Added new outfits (Dream Warden, Cave Explorer) and new mount (Shockhead) to character profiles.
  • Avatars uploaded via the forum are now displayed correctly.
  • Added guest logos to the archives.
  • Backgrounds are now slightly darker, to make reading easier.
  • Added a new box to user profiles, which lists all players that are connected to the user.
  • Several minor bug fixes and improvements to the graphical interface.

Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache.

If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to or visiting the feedback form.

That's all for now, take care until next time!
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Happy Holidays!

nils    (Dec 24 2013)      474          1852
Categories: Updates

Happy holidays from the staff of TibiaHof and we wish you a happy 2014.
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Badges of the Month - December

nils    (Dec 18 2013)      470          1808
Categories: Badges of the Month

Every month we are handing out badges to users. If you want to find out more about badges and their purpose on the site, check out this article.

This month we are handing out badges to users that have uploaded images. The Grande Image Uploader badge is awarded to all who upload over 100 images, while the Novice Image Uploader badge is awarded to those that have uploaded over 10 images. Congratulations and keep uploading them pics ;)

Grande Image Uploader

Novice Image Uploader
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Looking back at 2013

nils    (Dec 12 2013)      480          1883
Categories: Updates

We are now looking back at the year 2013 and all the things that it had to offer.

Here are the highlights from the year!



  • Release of the open beta chat (which was subsequently cancelled in December)


  • The entire site was graphically redesigned with added polls.
  • A short while after the redesign we added the Rashid page.

  • Not a lot going on in June due to summer update!






  • Introduced an additional feature to the characters activity page: character deaths.


With 2013 almost behind us, we are planning for the upcoming year 2014. We are still waiting for the fansite item to be implemented into the game.

We are also planning to have more competitions which will focus on other skills than graphical design, for example writing and coming up with stories.

We also have a couple of bigger projects in store, but we'll let you know when we get there ;)

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