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12 Jan, 2013 - A few Minor Fixes

nils    (Jan 12 2013)      477          1609
Categories: Updates

A few minor fixes to the website the past few days. Here they are:
  • Fixed a few issues related to comments. It should now be possible to comment on images/articles as well as previewing the comments. Thanks to kaud and Martin for finding this problem.
  • Connecting your characters to your account should no longer update the character (which caused characters to not generate activities as it should)
  • Perma Links have been completely replaced by Tiny Links due to browser problems with Perma Links
    Existing Perma Links are still fully functional; however, image links on the website will from now on only be Tiny Links
  • Players from experience and achievements highscore page 2 will be added to the website - this means an additional 4k players will be tracked by!
  • Connecting your character to your account should now prevent that character from being deferred (for more information about deferred players, read this post)
  • A few design changes to the website, e.g. the search filters for Activities and Fast Levels are now animated when toggled
  • Sitemap has been increased in height to fit all the content

14 Jan, 2013 Updates

Just a few more changes to the website:
  • Added 80+ to Level Ranges in Free Search for Fast Levels
  • Translated portions of the website into swedish

Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache.

If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to or visiting the feedback form.

That's all for now, take care until next time!
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08 Jan, 2013 - Improved Update of Players

nils    (Jan 08 2013)      486          1688
Categories: Updates

Here at we track over 5k+ players and this number will keep growing. We are aiming at 30k+ tracked players, but this will take some time.

Today we have implemented an important fix to the automatic update of players, which affects all players.

What does this mean?

The short explanation is: players that are not active (who has not been logged in recently) will be deferred and updated sometime in the future.

The long explanation: players are guaranteed to be updated within 48 hours. However, we feel that it is necessary to improve the automatic update of players by deferring inactive players to the future, which means that they will fall outside the window of 48 hours.

Why are you doing this?

In order to optimize the update of players we have to defer some inactive players to the future to speed up the updating of players that are active.

For how long will a player be deferred?

Players that are not active and who has not been logged in recently will be deferred to the future. You may ask, for how long? It depends on how long the player has been inactive. Our time table is as follows:

If the player has been inactive for...
30-59 days they will be updated again in 30 days (1 month),
60-89 days they will be updated again in 60 days (2 months),
90-119 days they will be updated again in 90 days (3 months),
120-149 days they will be updated again in 120 days (4 months),
150-179 days they will be updated again in 150 days (5 months),
180+ days they will be updated again in 180 days (6 months)

Notice that this time table is subject to change, we are currently testing out this new improved automatic player update system. During this testing phase already deferred players may be reversed and updated as normal.

How many players will be deferred?

Our current calculations dictates that around 10% of the currently tracked players will be deferred (a total of 575 players).

How do I know if a player has been deferred or not?
Whether a player is deferred...
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05 Jan, 2013 - Introducing Top Levels and Achievements, Minor Fixes

nils    (Jan 05 2013)      487          1661
Categories: Updates

Here's the first update of the year and it's quite a comprehensive list.

Top Levels and Top Achievements

Did you ever wonder who is the top level of Tibia or who has collected the most achievements? Now you know, simply by visiting Top Levels and Top Achievements. You can also find both in the Characters drop down menu.

Each top list shows the players associated weekly, monthly, and yearly progression.

Both new features are still in the beta phase, so if you notice anything weird about it or something missing, please let us know (contact details are found at the end of this news article).

Minor Fixes

Several minor fixes has been implemented as well, listed below:
  • Fixed an issue with activity charts not being updated correctly
  • Fixed an issue with COTW not being displayed
  • Fixed an issue with undeleted players being displayed as deleted in activities
  • Comments are now displayed on character profiles
  • Over 5503 characters tracked, an increase of 1756 characters since 3 weeks ago

Highscore Players Added Regurarly

All players that are either in the experience highscore or the achievements highscore top page will be added to our local player database. If they are already not in the list, it will take a few days before they are added.

Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache.

If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to or visiting the feedback form.

That's all for now, take care until next time!

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Happy New Year

nils    (Jan 01 2013)      470          1630

Happy New Year from all of us on!

We will be bringing you some new updates very soon, hopefully before the end of the week. Up until then, take care!
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19 Dec, 2012 - Some fixes before the holidays

nils    (Dec 19 2012)      469          1614
Categories: Updates

Christmas is soon and I will be spending my time with family and friends, so there won't be any more updates for some time, but several changes has been implemented to the website lately. Here they are:
  • Added Show Activity Chart to Fast Levels
  • Oldest Characters no longer include CipSoft members
  • Album views are now displayed on Albums in the users profile
  • Validation hashes for connecting characters to a user profile has been extended from 2 weeks to 6 months
  • Fast Levels has been added to start page, showing the top 3 fastest players this week
  • Added a few more options to world select menu in Fast Levels (e.g group by preview game worlds)
  • Pretty links have currently been disabled, existing pretty links will still work, but all links on the website have been changed to permanent links for the time being
  • Added account position to Character profiles
  • Fixed a few minor bugs, e.g. adding an addon on the character profile page should no longer affect the addons of other connected characters addons

Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache.

If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to or visiting the feedback form.

That's all for now, take care until next time!
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15 Dec, 2012 - Few fixes to Fast Levels

nils    (Dec 15 2012)      473          1653
Categories: Updates

Fast Levels

2 days ago we released the newest feature to the website - Fast Levels.

A few fixes to Fast Levels has recently been implemented. Here is the full list of the changes:
  • The URL produced by a filter search has been improved and should now be considerably shorter than before.
  • Focusing your cursor on sort by or show me on free search should now correctly change focus to the free search box
  • Hovering the cursor over the level- or achievement point-rate now shows how many days until next level or ap 100/200/300/400... and so on.
  • Extended the level ranges in free search with 300+, 400+, 500+, 600+, as well as an all levels category
  • Fixed a bug that removed players less than level 80 from the progressions result. All players under level 80 should be in the progressions result within 2 days!
  • Fixed another bug that removed players from preview game worlds Aurora and Aurera. All players from these worlds in our local player database should be in the progressions result within 2 days as well

At this moment charts can't be loaded yet, but will be implemented within the coming week.

Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache.

If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to or visiting the feedback form.

That's all for now, take care until next time!

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