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May 29th 2013 - Summer Update Teaser!

Death Eater    (May 30 2013)      474          1885
Categories: News

The first summer teaser has finally been released! Cipsoft has confirmed this time they will be releasing this update in two different parts. The first one will consist of adjustments to content already in-game. The second will be new features and all the goodies to be implemented with this update!

Want to know more? Look here.

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Where in the world is Rashid?!

nils    (May 29 2013)      479          1903
Categories: Updates


Have you ever had any one ask you where Rashid is? Over and over and over again? Well, let's make it easy for 'em, shall we.

Next time they ask you where Rashid is, be sure to post them this page. After that, there's no excuse in asking again.
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28th May, 2013 - New features: Movable boxes and Rashid

nils    (May 28 2013)      491          1732
Categories: Updates

G'day Tibians! We are proud to introduce two new features: Movable boxes and Rashid

Movable Boxes

You see the boxes to your left? Well, if you're logged in, you can now move them up and down. You think they're in the way? Well, don't worry about it, you can also remove the boxes and later restore them (at this page or press Customize Boxes beneath the boxes).

This feature is only available for registered users.



Ever had a friend ask where in the world Rashid is today? Don't worry about it! Tell em to simply visit Tibiahof and find out themselves. All they have to do is have a look at the top right corner of the page, and they will find out (hint: if you hover the mouse over the name of the city, you will see a map!).


We hope these new features will come in handy.

Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache.

If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to or visiting the feedback form.

That's all for now, take care until next time!
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Image of The Month - May

martin    (May 21 2013)      475          1748
Categories: Image of the Month

We've seen many knights complete demon oak, but never do we see a level 165 doing so everyday. Congratulations to Blessed Thunder Knight on this amazing achievement, and best of luck in your journey!
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19th May, 2013 - Weekly Update - Minor Fixes

nils    (May 19 2013)      481          1745
Categories: Updates

Improvements during the weekend:
  • The center content is slightly wider than before.
  • Added an unsupported fansite section. Check it out!
  • Added Fast Levels box to the right on the start page, showing the top fast levels this most recent week.
  • Added "3 next images" to image pages, showing the next 3 images uploaded after the one you're viewing.
  • Fixed a bug preventing users from rating images. If you've attempted to rate an image without any success, you should go ahead and do so now.
  • If an image has more than 10 tagged players, it will only show the first ten tagged players and then you have to press a link to show the rest.
  • Many minor design changes.

The summer is coming up and we're looking forward to playing the upcoming summer update. Up until then there's still some things we need to fix on the site.

Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache.

If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to or visiting the feedback form.

That's all for now, take care until next time!
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May 14th 2013 - Create Your Own NPC!

Death Eater    (May 15 2013)      482          1735
Categories: News

Calling all storytellers! Are you creative? Have you always thought about what it would be like to create your own NPC? If so, then the Customer Support Team have a contest that is perfect for you! With the upcoming Summer Update a storyteller NPC will be coming to the Tibian lands. What is this NPC's gender, name, appearance and dialogue you ask? That's for you to decide! You have until May 28th 2013 at 15:00 CEST to submit your NPC's on, those that stand out will be handed over to the content team who will vote on which entry is their favourite! The winner will receive a CM token and 360 days or premium!

Best of luck,

Tibiahof Team
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Welcome to Tibia Hall of Fame 2.0

nils    (May 13 2013)      482          2115
Categories: Updates

Welcome to the new and improved Tibia Hall of Fame - version 2.0. This version offers new features, new improvements to the website, and changes that will make it easier for the user to upload images, search characters, and much more.

Listed below are some of the highlighted changes of this version:

Weekly Polls

Tibia users, both registered Tibiahof users and not, can come together and vote in our weekly polls.

Prominent Quick Search

The quick search lets the user quickly search on characters, images, albums, articles, and more!

Boxed Content

To the left you have boxed content that's displayed on every page, while to your right you have boxes whose content depends on what page you are currently on. On the start page you will find the most recent COTW, Image of the Month, and a new feature called Random Image.

Faster Load Times

TibiaHoF 2.0 uses less HTML 5 and have done various improvements to make it much faster to load pages. Also, it's cross compatible over many different browsers; including Google Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari, and Opera.

New Search Filters

New search filters have been created for Fast Levels and Activities.

Improvements to Design

We have listened to our audience and made sure to improve the over all design to make it easier to use and require less scrolling than before. It's also easier to find relevant content, and the user experience is more intuitive now than ever before.

Since this is a new version it might be subject to various bugs and errors. So if you find anything that doesn't seem like it should work that way, or you simply just don't like, be sure to leave some feedback or post a comment in this article.

That's all for now, take care, and hope you enjoy this improved version of TibiaHof!

Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache.

If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by...
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9th May, 2013 - Weekly Update - A few minor updates before the big update

nils    (May 09 2013)      480          1676
Categories: Updates

On monday we will be releasing the improved version 2.0 of However, we've managed to take some time to fix a few things before the big update!

Minor fixes

Here are the minor updates we've done on the website:
  • Changed player profiles to make it easier to find where you can edit mounts or outfits/addons
  • When viewing an image it shows an overlay with a menu. This menu only shows when you hover your mouse over the image, so now you can see the entire image as long as you don't hover your mouse over it
  • Made several improvements to the over all design of the chat
  • Tibiahof no longer supports the Highlighted Images feature, which will be replaced by new features such as Iotm.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from being able to remove images from albums.
  • Currently 555 images have been uploaded, 677 users created, 65 albums created, 23099 players created, and 156 comments written.

Remember to check back on Monday, the day we will be bringing you the new, improved version of Tibiahof.

Update 2013-05-10: Today we have removed 3k+ activities that were empty (i.e. not showing any values) by mistake.

Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache.

If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to or visiting the feedback form.

That's all for now, take care until next time!
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TibiaHoF version 2.0 Teaser

nils    (Apr 30 2013)      485          1737
Categories: Updates

Tomorrow starts the month of May, a month in which we will introduce the better, improved TibiaHoF - version 2.0.

The new version will bring a whole slew of new features and improvements to the site, for example:
  • A better design to make it easier to navigate on the site, less having to scroll down.
  • Less HTML 5 to make the site faster to render and load.
  • Introducing new features, such as weekly polls.
  • New interfaces to make it easier to upload images, search activities, and so on.
  • A completely revised start page showing content that is relevant to the current user.

These are just a few of the changes in the upcoming update. The update is scheduled to be released sometime after the 8th of May, we will remind you in a future news article when the redesign will be made available to the public.

Our team has worked hard to improve the website and we have listened to our audience what they liked and what they didn't liked. Of course, there will always be things to improve and make better, TibiaHoF is a relatively new fansite and we always aim to become better and bigger.

Well, that's all for now. Take care fellow Tibians!
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Image of The Month - April - Moment of War

nils    (Apr 30 2013)      481          1744
Categories: Image of the Month

This months image captures a moment of war with the unfortunate demise of one royal paladin, meeting his maker through the power of SD.

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