Winners, losers, and the weirdest of 2015: Part 1 - Winners and Losersnils (Dec 30 2015) 477 3086Categories: Research
2015 has been another interesting year for Tibia. Here we will have a look at the winners and losers of this year.
Winners of 2015
Player with the highest level
The player that gathered the most levels so far is (unsurprisingly): Kharsek@Pacera, with the impressive level 940. Kharsek has collected +125 levels since last year. Next year will probably be an exciting time for Tibia, if Kharsek reaches the much sought-after level 1000!
Players that have earned the most levels
Our shooting stars of 2015 are no less than 3. The list below does NOT include deleted players. Here they are:
Level progression for players that have earned the most levels
Player with the highest achievement points
Regz Elite@Honera almost came out from nowhere and now has all together 974 achievement points. Last year's winner was Zorebex who has now collected 964 achievement points. Even if not winner of this year, he might take revenge next year? Let's get to work!
Players who have collected the most achievement points
OK, so we know who has the most achievement points, but which players have collected the most this year? Well, it turns out to be...
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Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year, Tibians!nils (Dec 22 2015) 483 2215Categories: Updates
This is the season to relax, take a drink of traditional swedish beverage julmust or glögg (in Germany known as Glühwein), spend time with friends and family, and occassionally play some Tibia.
Looking forward Next week we are releasing an article series on winners, losers, and the weirdest of Tibia. So be sure to check out the website from time to time and also to have a good time Cheers! |
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TibiaHof 3.6: Improved Charts, Oldest Characters, and New Outfitnils (Apr 19 2015) 470 2504Categories: Updates
Compare Players: Improved charts
Charts for Compare Players have been improved to enable zooming in on data by either selecting a rectangular area or pressing any of the blue buttons underneath the chart. This gif shows how it works: So head on over to Compare Players to see it for yourself! Oldest Characters Oldest Characters has been updated and now shows the amount of loyalty points the character has collected. New Outfit We have added another outfit to My Pages: Ceremonial Garb. Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache. If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to or visiting the feedback form. That's all for now, take care until next time! |
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Loyalty Points highscore updatenils (Feb 07 2015) 488 2427Categories: Updates
The Loyalty points highscore has been updated and now correctly shows loyalty points.
We have also updated Compare Players to include loyalty title. A player that has a better loyalty title gets a slightly higher score. |
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TibiaHof 3.5: Loyalty Highscoresnils (Feb 03 2015) 475 2342Categories: Updates
TibiaHof 3.5 is now released and introduces a new highscore list: Loyalty Highscores.
How does it work? The list shows the top 1000 players that have collected the most loyalty points. The loyalty points system is describe in detail on this page. Also, you can filter out the top 300 players by specific worlds or even world types (for example hardcore worlds, retro worlds, etc.) note #1: Top Loyalty can be found in the Highscores menu New mount Furthermore, we have added the new Waccoon mounts to My Pages. From left to right: Ringtail waccoon, Night waccoon, Emerald waccoon Let us know in the comment section below what you think about this update or leave feedback in the Feedback form. |
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TibiaHof 3.4: Compare Players + Minor fixesnils (Jan 01 2015) 489 2261Categories: Updates
To kick off the new year we are introducing a brand new feature: Compare Players.
With this new handy feature you can compare 4-8 players to see which players excel the most in levels and achievement points as well as other skills. How does it work? We have added a new tab named "Compare Players" (available from the start page). From there you can compare up to 4 players. If you want to compare up to 8 players you can view this page or go to the Characters menu and choose Compare Players. Note: if the player is missing from our database it won't appear in the comparison. Make sure to connect your TibiaHof account to your player or upload an image and tag your characters name. Minor Fixes As usual we have also fixed a couple of minor things here and there:
Let us know in the comment section below what you think about this update or leave feedback in the Feedback form. |
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