19 Jan, 2013 - Some more fixes and Teaser

nils    (Jan 19 2013)      0          781
Categories: Updates

We have implemented some more fixes and we will also present a small teaser for upcoming features on the website.


Here are the recent fixes to the website:
  • Improved Player Suggestions - players connected to your TibiaHof.com account are now prioritized when showing suggestion results, which means they will show up faster
  • Added Suggestions to Fast Levels (when searching by name)
  • Tool tips for players now also displays guild as well as rank (e.g. if you hover your mouse over a players name it will also show the guild name and rank in the box that pops up)
  • An additional 4k players will be added to our local TibiaHof.com player database within 4 days. We will be tracking over 13k players once all these players have been added.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented users from viewing images uploaded by guests
  • Removed beta labels from Fast Levels, Top Levels, and Top Achievements

Teaser - Upcoming Features

We will be bringing 2 new features to the website.

Improved Search Mechanism

This is a minor feature that will improve on the existing search functions. The main purpose of this feature will be to make searching on the website easier.

Skills Redux

On TibiaHof.com you can add skills to your characters. Adding skills to characters will be scrapped completely and instead be focused around the existing skill highscores on tibia.com.

We can't say for sure when these new features will be implemented and made accessible to the public. We will inform you in future news articles how these features are coming along. Keep an eye open! ;)

Various scripts have been modified. If the website doesn't seem to work correctly, try to update it by pressing Ctrl+R or clearing your browser cache.

If you are having any trouble with the new features, please let us know by sending an email to admin@tibiahof.com or visiting the feedback form.

That's all for now, take care until next time!

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