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12th June, 2013 - 3rd Summer update teaser released

nils    (Jun 12 2013)      481          1799
Categories: News

The 3rd teaser has been released for the upcoming summer update. It reveals a new look for the beloved city of Ab'dendriel. Here's a few screens:




You can read the teaser on this page.

Reminder: we will be casting once the summer update has been released, for more details, check this page.
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Interested in new hardcore pvp worlds Calva and Calvera?

nils    (Jun 08 2013)      486          1792
Categories: News

Are you interested in the new hardcore pvp worlds Calva and Calvera?

You can follow what's happening on these new worlds by checking out Tibiahof Activities: Calva here or Calvera here.
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Summer Update 2nd Teaser released!

nils    (Jun 04 2013)      484          1851
Categories: News

The 2nd summer update teaser has been released and reveals more of the hell that's brewing in Drefia.

Here are a few teaser images from the upcoming update:





If you want to find out more about the upcoming update, go to this page.
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Crimson Ray mount added

nils    (Jun 02 2013)      482          1878
Categories: Updates


Today we added the Crimson Ray mount to player profiles.

If you don't already have a profile for your player, be sure to create one today by registering an account! You can create a profile for your player with information about mounts, outfits/addons, skills, and more.

Not sold yet? Check this top ten list of reasons to join today.
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May 29th 2013 - Summer Update Teaser!

Death Eater    (May 30 2013)      474          1890
Categories: News

The first summer teaser has finally been released! Cipsoft has confirmed this time they will be releasing this update in two different parts. The first one will consist of adjustments to content already in-game. The second will be new features and all the goodies to be implemented with this update!

Want to know more? Look here.

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Where in the world is Rashid?!

nils    (May 29 2013)      479          1909
Categories: Updates


Have you ever had any one ask you where Rashid is? Over and over and over again? Well, let's make it easy for 'em, shall we.

Next time they ask you where Rashid is, be sure to post them this page. After that, there's no excuse in asking again.
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