ProfileSex | Male | Title | None | Unlocked Titles | 27 | Vocation | Elite Knight
| Achievement Points | 1092 | World | Celesta | Residence | Roshamuul | Guild Membership | Family of the Refugees | Last login | Jul 20 2020, 11:32:46 CEST | Comment | | Account Status | Premium Account | Account Age | 13 years, 9 months | House | Ivory Mansion (Liberty Bay) | Loyalty Title | Warrior of Tibia |
General Stats |  | 9455 |  | 3130 | Speed: | 1470 | Cap: | 15920 |
| SkillsThe owner has not added any skills for this character!
Highscore (Celesta)
Skill Type
Skill Level |
5 |
Achievement Points |
1058 |
Celesta |
45 |
Sword Fighting |
121 |
Celesta |
101 |
Shielding |
115 |
Celesta |
159 |
Level |
532 |
Celesta |
19:32 Qelos Morderca [3]: to swiat non-pvp/?
19:32 Vizard Kuchiki [3]: ta
19:32 Qelos Morderca [3]: to czemu mnie troll zabil?