ProfileSex | Male | Title | None | Unlocked Titles | 8 | Vocation | Elder Druid
| Achievement Points | 5 | World | Antica | Residence | Edron | Guild Membership | Elder of the Soldiers of Justice | Last login | Sep 10 2020, 21:12:06 CEST | Comment | | Account Status | Premium Account | Account Age | 23 years, 7 months | House | Fibula Village 4 (Thais) | Loyalty Title | Guardian of Tibia |
General Stats |  | 415 |  | 1420 | Speed: | 326 | Cap: | 930 |
| SkillsThe owner has not added any skills for this character!
Highscore (Antica)
Skill Type
Skill Level |
31 |
Fishing |
81 |
Antica |
193 |
Loyalty |
3820 |
Antica |
CharactersShowing characters on the same account.
Character | World |
Merlino | Antica |
and a proud SCOT (senior citizen of tibia)
Parents: lost :-(
Brother: Gommon (twin-brother)
Children: Thia, Messias der Unschuld, Kaladon, Seaf
Grandchildren: Celina, Lily Cat, Nukleone, Meanor, Kajala, Kathila
Grandgrandchildren: Angel Of Frost, Silverhand
Friends: Goran, Heran, Sharrakis, Kadgar, Sturmhart Eisenkeil, Silvarion, Falke, Nebu, and many others
Hebmonk, Debmonk and Jogon are under my protection!
My apprentice are Lina, Duncan, Teal and Girius.