Lownder [103]
Tagged in 0 images, Viewed 216 times
Owned by Guest
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The owner has not added any mounts for this character!Recent Activity
View all activities recorded by this player +17 levels [86 → 103]
+8 achievement points [19 → 27]
- Number of unlocked titles changed from 4 to 5
- Joined guild Mead Hunters with rank Taster
Character Deaths
- Has died a total of 3 times since last recorded activity:
- Died at Level 103 by a weakened frazzlemaw. (2020-08-09)
- Died at Level 96 by a weakened frazzlemaw. (2020-07-25)
- Died at Level 92 by an ogre savage. (2020-07-15)
This activity was recorded Aug 12 2020
Last updated: Aug 12 2020
"Um homem vai ao médico e fala que está deprimido. Diz que a vida parece dura e cruel. Ele se sente só num mundo ameaçador onde o futuro é vago e incerto. O doutor diz... 'O tratamento é simples. O grande palhaço Pagliacci está na cidade esta noite. Vá vê-lo. Levantará o seu astral.' O homem começa a chorar... e fala: 'Mas doutor... eu sou o Pagliacci'.
Ótima piada.
Todo mundo ri.
Batem os tambores.
Caem as cortinas."