Kllose [572]
Tagged in 0 images, Viewed 224 times
Owned by Guest
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View all activities recorded by this player +6 levels [566 → 572]
Character Deaths
- Has died a total of 2 times since last recorded activity:
- Died at Level 573 by a mean lost soul. (2020-07-22)
- Annihilated at Level 573 by Ons Sync, Mage Boiadeiro, Ze zin, Nojentao, Chicaao, Nean Shredder, Netiin Paralyzard, Projetinho, Areniv Comander, Fulano dasd, Nico Sdchar, Jon goo, Xanimorte, Minha Morte, Little Loviszk, Paraly zadox, Zaayon Mytos, Lulaki Lulala, Minha Baby Cat, Zemus Kaan, Jahsnahh, Lagar Tixah, Jirnzym, Fabio Assunssaoo, Turano Rush, Faiintzin, Jaum Codeim, Wazer the Hell, Sagezin, Druid Karpanoo, Totexivando, Popstar Pigode, Mestre de Cabotagem, Ratto Molotov, Xropxz, Vitin Quelibrinha and Thiagov Decimo
Assisted by: Zikaduhh, Ryancv Tankainsanity, Ruuan Fearless, Sorc Tortinho, Rakken Bomb, Lucaszin Two, Quelibra War, Pancada da Boba, Meliodas Zooth, Tegezera, Phametros, Jowana, Wilgaron and Franzerah. (2020-07-06)
This activity was recorded Jul 28 2020
Last updated: Jul 28 2020