ProfileSex | Female | Title | Guild Leader | Unlocked Titles | 12 | Vocation | Master Sorcerer
| Achievement Points | 202 | World | Antica | Residence | Edron | Guild Membership | Valheruan of the Valheru | Last login | Aug 10 2020, 21:33:05 CEST | Comment | | Account Status | Premium Account | Account Age | 23 years, 7 months | House | Cormaya Flats, Flat 11 (Edron) | Loyalty Title | Savant of Tibia |
General Stats |  | 1530 |  | 8110 | Speed: | 772 | Cap: | 3160 |
| SkillsThe owner has not added any skills for this character!
Highscore (Antica)
Skill Type
Skill Level |
1 |
Loyalty |
6616 |
Antica |
8 |
Fishing |
89 |
Antica |
13 |
Magic Level |
119 |
Antica |
sister to Sir Nepech
once soulmelted with Yasmine
Proud sorc with
122 (126) magic level (100 on 05.03.2017) (6th in Antica with mag 77, March 2006),
39 (40) shielding (first sorc 24.01.2017)
40 (41) shielding (19.06.2020)
29 (28) sword fighting
lvl 200 - 25.01.2016
Here since autumn 2000
One of the founders of Valheru in summer 2001
Packing up, getting ready to go (Johannes Heil)