ProfileSex | Female | Title | Demondoom | Unlocked Titles | 10 | Vocation | Elite Knight
| Achievement Points | 99 | World | Mudabra | Residence | Roshamuul | Guild Membership | Leader of the Qqmudabra Alliance | Last login | May 28 2021, 06:21:45 CEST | Account Status | Premium Account | Account Age | 4 years, 10 months | Loyalty Title | Warden of Tibia |
General Stats | | 7055 | | 2330 | Speed: | 1150 | Cap: | 11920 |
| SkillsThe owner has not added any skills for this character!
Highscore (Inabra)
Skill Type
Skill Level |
23 |
Fist Fighting |
47 |
Inabra |
76 |
Distance Fighting |
122 |
Inabra |
106 |
Loyalty |
3185 |
Inabra |
184 |
Achievement Points |
527 |
Inabra |
213 |
Shielding |
110 |
Inabra |
CharactersShowing characters on the same account.
Character | World |
Faler Caresta | Javibra | Fonseca on Lutabra | Lutabra | Fonsequeen | Visabra | Fonsequinha Qqmuda | Mudabra | Juniorzika | Mudabra | Madame Fonskeletinha | Firmera | Queen Dudex | Fera | Ston Morys | Javibra |