Most Deaths

This page shows the players that have died the most times (including arena deaths)

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#CharacterDeaths Max LevelCurrent LevelViewsWorld
76.Awesome Bruuxo 2160516155490Ferobra
77.Jacob Mathais 2160295295964Wintera
78.Tzeenth 2150525525565Vunira
79.Reenanzeraxd 2137830952301Quelibra
80.Jeff Hasulhoff 2127799821400Garnera
81.Mylart 2124686755435Talera
82.Dragon Arkonia 2110698698662Gladera
83.Andersz Zalewski 2106347338476Lobera
84.Racux Maldad 2093787787583Quintera
85.Vulteka 2092408408471Quintera
86.Bapster 2073751751589Premia
87.Yunku Kugeln 2072558558452Talera
88.Noise Wiicked 2047720720602Estela
89.Pecas The Last 2043821950557Talera
90.Extremt Tungsint 2039630637392Epoca
91.Aviatore 2014601600423Quelibra
92.Incredible Akus 2011752752495Talera
93.Mauranfla 1996529529363Talera
94.Theuzikat 198412061250931Lutabra
95.Foseeto Jabrega 1982595597379Peloria
96.Snaider Alzado 1966550549636Impera
97.Samir Agresor 1966791791642Monza
98.Brishi 1935640674335Premia
99.Walt Warz 1935778778666Garnera
100.Manelzik 1923467476303Ferobra
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