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Boss rush

 483  |    422

Logging my boss rush in killing in the name of tasks after reaching 100 task points and getting a boss point. This was A LOT of fun.

(Apr 27 2018)
Category: Questing


Boss kill


Me and my buddy
Thundergiant making small
work of Kerberos.
Tagged Players

Published by:   Ratchild2   (Apr 27 2018)
Views: 261
Category: Questing

Boss rush


Logging my boss rush in
killing in the name of
tasks after reaching 100
task points and getting a
boss point. This was A
LOT of fun.
Tagged Players

Published by:   Ratchild2   (Apr 27 2018)
Views: 422
Category: Questing

Level 200


Not much of a landmark
achievement these days in
Tibia, but it is for me.
Tagged Players
Ludolog, Rattractive

Published by:   Ratchild2   (Apr 27 2018)
Views: 250
Category: Skill and Level Advance


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