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Longggg ago

 475  |    471

Gatusom when he was a noob, well he still is a noob, so lets just say ...Gatusom at his finest! My BFF!!

(Feb 28 2013)
Category: Comedy (For The Lulz!)


Longggg ago


Gatusom when he was a
noob, well he still is a
noob, so lets just say
...Gatusom at his
finest! My BFF!!

Published by:   1830sariss   (Feb 28 2013)
Views: 471
Category: Comedy (For The Lulz!)

New House!


Love it here.
Tagged Players
Lu Shei

Published by:   1830sariss   (Feb 28 2013)
Views: 438
Category: Comedy (For The Lulz!)

Imagine if I was an ED!


my pro UH heal surprised
us both!
Tagged Players
Gats Del Terror

Published by:   1830sariss   (Feb 28 2013)
Views: 434
Category: Skill and Level Advance


1830sariss has not made any albums yet.


CharacterTagged inViewsWorldCreated
Sariss Del Terror 0715AsteraJan 25 2013

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