ProfileSex | Male | Title | None | Unlocked Titles | 3 | Vocation | Druid
| Achievement Points | 1 | World | Libertabra | Residence | Darashia | Guild Membership | Relembra of the Bones Alliance | Last login | Jul 14 2021, 14:55:24 CEST | Account Status | Premium Account | Account Age | 3 years, 10 months | Loyalty Title | Sentinel of Tibia |
General Stats | | 295 | | 700 | Speed: | 278 | Cap: | 690 |
| SkillsThe owner has not added any skills for this character!
CharactersShowing characters on the same account.
Character | World |
Arelin Veth | Fervora | Arrais Honour | Tournament - restricted Store | Arrais Meganoia | //' alt='(Main Character)' title='Main Character' /> | Nossobra | | Arraiz Meganoia | Nossobra | Canela de Suricate | Nossobra | Charles Duamarelo | Nossobra | Charles Dubom | Libertabra | Charles Dumarron | Nossobra | Charles Dupaia | Carnera | Charles Dupretu | Nossobra | Charles Duverde | Nossobra | Crab Killes | Libertabra | Lego Estranho | Carnera | Pelega Braba | Carnera | Rabbit noia | Mudabra | Rajjadao | Nossobra | Skurom | Fervora | Tego Olfa | Libertabra |