ProfileSex | Male | Title | None | Unlocked Titles | 18 | Vocation | Elder Druid
| Achievement Points | 624 | World | Luminera | Residence | Roshamuul | Married to | Ladystar![View Ladystar at](/img/ver001/sprites/tibia_fav.ico) | Guild Membership | Padawan of the Blackout | Last login | Aug 08 2020, 19:37:42 CEST | Comment | | Account Status | Premium Account | House | Central Plaza 3 (Shop) (Carlin) |
General Stats | ![Health](/img/ver001/sprites/health-bar.png) | 3265 | ![Mana](/img/ver001/sprites/mana-bar.png) | 18520 | Speed: | 1466 | Cap: | 6630 |
| SkillsThe owner has not added any skills for this character!
Highscore (Luminera)
Skill Type
Skill Level |
22 |
Magic Level |
111 |
Luminera |
64 |
Level |
585 |
Luminera |
78 |
Achievement Points |
616 |
Luminera |
22:06 You see ferumbras' hat (Arm:1). It weighs 8.50 oz. It is the proof that Ferumbras has fallen. For now. The Edron Academy should be interested in this.