Rufus Bueno [329]
Tagged in 0 images, Viewed 493 times
Owned by Guest
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View all activities recorded by this player +8 levels [321 → 329]
- Joined guild New Forgotten with rank One
- Changed residence from Roshamuul to Thais
Character Deaths
- Has died a total of 2 times since last recorded activity:
- Killed at Level 325 by Rufus Bueno and a burning gladiator. (2020-08-09)
- Died at Level 324 by a weakened frazzlemaw. (2020-08-05)
This activity was recorded Aug 20 2020
Last updated: Aug 20 2020
5 Preparas uma mesa perante mim na presença dos meus inimigos, unges a minha cabeça com óleo, o meu cálice transborda.
6 Certamente que a bondade e a misericórdia me seguirão todos os dias da minha vida; e habitarei na casa do Senhor por longos dias.