ProfileSex | Male | Title | Tibia's Topmodel (Grade 1) | Unlocked Titles | 1 | Vocation | Knight
| Achievement Points | 1 | World | Peloria | Residence | Thais | Last login | Aug 20 2020, 20:57:45 CEST | Account Status | Premium Account | Account Age | 20 years, 1 month | Loyalty Title | Keeper of Tibia |
General Stats | | 185 | | 40 | Speed: | 234 | Cap: | 470 |
| SkillsThe owner has not added any skills for this character!
Highscore (Peloria)
Skill Type
Skill Level |
56 |
Sword Fighting |
121 |
Peloria |
194 |
Shielding |
114 |
Peloria |
CharactersShowing characters on the same account.
Character | World |
Bluebrick | Gladera | Bunnybuttz Pinkysheep | Unica | Delita Ironclad | Gladera | Delita on Aurera | Zunera | Delita on Beneva | Monza | Delita on Hydera | Quintera | Delita on Morta | Epoca | Delita on Mortera | Firmera | Delita on Premia | Premia | Delita on Quilia | Peloria | Delita on Secura | Secura | Dellydab | Helera | Doctor Facilier | Gladera | Mini Delly | Gladera | Mooglejuice | Gladera | Parcel Delita | Zunera | Rainbow Fidget Spinner | Damora | Rainbow Pillow | Duna | Solid Shiversleep Shenanigans | Xylona |