ProfileSex | Male | Title | None | Unlocked Titles | 2 | Vocation | Sorcerer
| Achievement Points | 1 | World | Visabra | Residence | Thais | Guild Membership | Member of the Tictac Visabra | Last login | Jul 14 2021, 18:25:59 CEST | Account Status | Premium Account | Account Age | 11 years, 1 month | Loyalty Title | Warden of Tibia |
General Stats | | 355 | | 1060 | Speed: | 302 | Cap: | 810 |
| SkillsThe owner has not added any skills for this character!
CharactersShowing characters on the same account.
Character | World |
Akuge Samaman | Nossobra | Aoskoksosas | Nossobra | Bilu Biluteteia | Libertabra | Curinthia Devendo Marmita | Visabra | Curinthia paga marmita | Visabra | Glibencamida | Nossobra | Kamashed | Nossobra | Osbozinho | Nossobra | Pao com bacon | Carnera | Ragnar Lotebeck | Relembra | Roni Rustiico | Libertabra | Salve qbda | Lutabra | Sildelafila | Firmera | Sorrizo Colgate | Nossobra | Thothilius | //' alt='(Main Character)' title='Main Character' /> | Nossobra | |