ProfileSex | Male | Title | None | Unlocked Titles | 6 | Vocation | Master Sorcerer
| Achievement Points | 16 | World | Libertabra | Residence | Venore | Guild Membership | Relembra of the Bones Alliance | Last login | Jul 14 2021, 13:52:38 CEST | Account Status | Premium Account | Account Age | 13 years, 11 months | Loyalty Title | Steward of Tibia |
General Stats | | 675 | | 2980 | Speed: | 430 | Cap: | 1450 |
| SkillsThe owner has not added any skills for this character!
CharactersShowing characters on the same account.
Character | World |
Acougueiro Bruto | Libertabra | Batman Fofinho | //' alt='(Main Character)' title='Main Character' /> | Alumbra | | Batman Psicopata | Alumbra | Deboa na Lagoa | Visabra | Fugimos na Kombi | Mudabra | Magoo Louco | Mudabra | Moongoloide Blokador | Libertabra | Viking Estressado | Mudabra | Zoiodinho damamae | Ferobra |